Howard Roorda

IT Director

We found the following information about Howard Roorda at Epsen Hillmer Graphics Co., where the professional has worked as a IT Director since 1978. Howard's total work experience is over 46 years, during which time this professional had at least two jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Howard studied at the University of Nebraska at Omaha from 2020. Howard currently lives in Omaha, Nebraska. You can contact with Howard by looking for phone or email or get additional information by requesting access to Howard's further details.
Name variants:
Howie Roorda

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 7, 2022
Omaha, NE


Epsen Hillmer Graphics Co.
IT Director

Omaha, NE


Printing, Mfg Converted Paper Prdt Commercial Printing Gravure Coml Printing Mfg Coat/Laminated Paper, Muralist

Work History

IT Director

Omaha, NE
from May 1978

MIS Manager

13748 F St, Omaha, NE 68137



Information Technology Director
IT Manager


Process Improvement
Business Analysis
Team Building
Account Management
Business Process Improvement
Enterprise Resource Planning
Software Implementation
Project Management
Crystal Reports
Product Management

FAQs about Howard Roorda

What is the main profession of Howard Roorda?

Howard is a IT Director.

What are the main profession of Howard?

These person's professions are Executive and Information Technology Director

Where does Howard Roorda currently live?

Howard currently lives in Omaha, Nebraska.

What is the professional's email?

Howard Roorda's email is hr**

How many companies did Howard Roorda work at?

Howard Roorda worked at two jobs.

What education does Howard Roorda have?

Howard studied at the University of Nebraska at Omaha from 2020.

What are special skills of Howard Roorda?

This person has the following skills: Process Improvement, Business Analysis, Team Building, Account Management, Leadership, Erp, Business Process Improvement, and Enterprise Resource Planning.