Gerald Dawkins

Senior Vice President of Superintendent and District Relations

We found the following information about Gerald Dawkins at K12 Insight, where this professional has worked as a Senior Vice President of Superintendent and District Relations since 2014. Gerald's total work experience is over 19 years, during which time this person had at least four jobs at different places to develop skills. Gerald studied at the Wayne State University. Gerald Dawkins currently is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. You can contact with Gerald by looking for phone or email address or get additional information by requesting access to this expert's further details.
Name variants:
Gerard Dawkins, Gerry Dawkins, Jerry Dawkins

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Last Update
Jun 23, 2022
Grand Rapids, MI


K12 Insight
Senior Vice President of Superintendent and District Relations

Herndon, VA


Information Technology and Services

Work History

Senior Vice President of Superintendent and District Relations

2291 Wood Oak Dr SUITE 300, Herndon, VA 20171
K12 Insight, based in Herndon, Va., works with more than 30,000 school administrators to strengthen the relationships that power education. Our custom solutions combine technology, research ...
from Jan 2014


2008 — 2013


2001 — 2008

Chief -Of- Staff and Deputy Superintendent

1994 — 2001


Senior Vice President
Health Specialist
Certified Nurse Aide
Vice President
Chief Executive
Nurse Practitioner

FAQs about Gerald Dawkins

What is the main profession of Gerald Dawkins?

This professional's job is Senior Vice President of Superintendent and District Relations

What jobs is Gerald proficient at at?

Gerald is a professional such jobs as Executive and Senior Vice President.

Where does Gerald Dawkins currently live?

Gerald lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

What is the professional's email?

The expert's email is gd**

Where did Gerald Dawkins work?

Gerald worked at K12 Insight, Caddo Parish Schools.

Where has Gerald Dawkins studied?

Gerald studied at the Wayne State University.

What is professional industry that Gerald Dawkins is connected to?

Gerald works in Education Management industry.