George Ferrio


We found the following information about George Ferrio at Micro Photonics, where this person has worked as a President since 1992. George's total work experience is over 32 years, during which time this person had at least two jobs at different places to develop professional skills. George studied at the Lehigh University College of Business from 1971 to 1975. Currently, George Ferrio lives in Allentown, Pennsylvania. You can contact with George by searching for phone or email or find additional information by requesting access to this professional's further details from us.
Name variants:
Georgie Ferrio

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
Allentown, PA


Micro Photonics

Allentown, PA


Accounting, Whol Professional Equipment

Work History


1550 Pond Rd SUITE 110, Allentown, PA 18104
from Sep 1992

President, President

4972 Medical Ctr Cir, Allentown, PA 18106



Chief Executive

FAQs about George Ferrio

What is the profession of George Ferrio?

This professional's job is President

What are the main profession of George Ferrio?

These person's professions are Executive and Chairperson

Where does George Ferrio currently live?

Allentown, Pennsylvania is the place where George Ferrio lives

How many companies did George Ferrio work at?

George Ferrio worked at two jobs.

What education does George Ferrio have?

George studied at the Lehigh University College of Business from 1971 to 1975.

What is the industry that George Ferrio is connected to?

George works in Research industry.