George Cherpas

Univ of Akron

George Cherpas has been working as a Vice President Human Resour in Spartanburg Steel Products since 1982. Furthermore, George Cherpas has an employment history at more than two companies using similar skills. George has a total work experience of 25+ years. Currently George lives in Moore, South Carolina region. You can find this person's current phone number and email with Connexy search.
Name variants:
Georgie Cherpas

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
Moore, SC


Spartanburg Steel Products
Vice President Human Resour

Spartanburg, SC


Automotive, Mfg Automotive Stampings Mfg Metal Barrels/Pails Mfg Metal Cans

Work History

Vice President Human Resour

1290 New Cut Rd, Spartanburg, SC 29303
1982 — 2007

Univ of Akron



Vice President
Chief Executive


Strategic Planning
Team Building
Continuous Improvement
Lean Manufacturing
Program Management
Six Sigma
Customer Service

FAQs about George Cherpas

What's the profession of George Cherpas?

This professional's job is Univ of Akron

What jobs is George a professional at?

George Cherpas is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Vice President.

Where is George Cherpas located?

George Cherpas is currently located in Moore, South Carolina.

Where did George Cherpas work?

George Cherpas worked at Spartanburg Steel Products, Moore South Carolina.

Where has George Cherpas studied?

George studied at the.

What is professional industry that George Cherpas worked in?

This person works in Automotive industry.

Are there any special skills, that George Cherpas has?

This person has such skills as Automotive, Vehicles, Strategic Planning, Team Building, Continuous Improvement, Lean Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Budgets, Program Management, and Negotiation.