Gavin Benson

Senior Project Manager

We found the following information about Gavin Benson at School Specialty, where Gavin has worked as a Senior Project Manager since 2010. Gavin's total work experience is over 21 years, during which time they had at least three jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Gavin studied at the Boston University from 1992 to 1995. Currently, Gavin Benson is located in Everett, Washington. You can contact with Gavin by searching for phone number or email address or get additional info by requesting access to Gavin Benson's further details.
Name variants:
Gavyn Benson

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 12, 2022
ga**, ga**
Everett, WA


Senior Project Manager

Work History

Senior Project Manager

Managing editorial and software development for online "virtual labs" used in high school biology and science curriculum.
from Jan 2010

Software Product Development Manager

Led development of e-learning websites and instructional software for an educational publisher. Built Curriculum Associates’ online teacher-training site, which delivers courses by respected...
Dec 1996 — Dec 2009

Editor, Interactive Communications and 'The Brandeis Reporter'

I worked at Brandeis University for 8 years (as interactive communications editor and as editor of the administration newspaper). At Brandeis I was instrumental in launching the university’s...
Dec 1988 — Dec 1996


1992 — 1995
1976 — 1979


Senior Project Manager
IT Professional
Software Engineer
Development Director
Senior Manager
Operations Manager
Software Developers
HR Manager
Publishing Professional

FAQs about Gavin Benson

What is the main profession of Gavin Benson?

The expert is a Senior Project Manager.

What jobs is Gavin proficient at at?

The expert is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Senior Project Manager.

Where does Gavin Benson live?

They lives in Everett, Washington.

What is the expert's email?

Gavin Benson's email is ga** and ga**

Where did Gavin Benson work?

Gavin worked at School Specialty, Curriculum Associates, Inc..

Does Gavin Benson have personal webpage or blog?

The expert`s website is

Where has Gavin Benson studied?

Gavin studied at the Boston University from 1992 to 1995.

Are there any professional industries, that Gavin Benson works in?

Gavin works in E-Learning industry.