Gail Bristol

Gail Bristol

Managing Director

We found the following information about Gail Bristol at Society of Plastics Engineers, where Gail has worked as a Managing Director since 1981. Gail's total work experience is over 43 years, during which time this person had a job at one company to develop skills. Gail Bristol currently is located in New York, New York. You can contact with Gail by looking for phone or email or get additional information by requesting access to the person's further details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Gale Bristol, Gayle Bristol

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
New York, NY


Society of Plastics Engineers
Managing Director

Bethel, CT


Plastics, Professional Organizatn Periodical-Publish/Print Business Services Book-Publishing/Printing

Work History

Managing Director

Manage philanthropic foundation for Society of Plastics Engineers, providing scholarships and grants within the plastics industry. Manage SPE's awards and recognition programs and work on v...
from Sep 1981


Chief Executive Officer
Organization Management
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive
Operations Manager

FAQs about Gail Bristol

What is the profession of Gail Bristol?

This professional's job is Managing Director

What are the main profession of Gail Bristol?

These person's professions are Executive and Chief Executive Officer

Where is Gail Bristol located?

The expert is currently located in New York, New York.

Where did Gail Bristol work?

Gail Bristol worked at Society of Plastics Engineers.

Are there any special awards, that Gail Bristol ever received?

Gail Bristol received awards and these awards are: James Toner Service Excellence Award 2004 SPE President's Cup 2008 SPE Honored Service Member 2008.

Are there any special industries, that Gail Bristol is connected to?

This professional works in Nonprofit Organization Management industry.