Fred E Miller


We found the following information about Fred E Miller at Miller Consulting Group, where Fred has worked as a President - Miller Consulting Group since 2009. Fred's total work experience is over 37 years, during which time this expert had at least three jobs at different places to develop skills. Fred studied at the University of Rhode Island. Currently, Fred is located in Schenectady, New York. You can contact with Fred by looking for phone number or email or find full info by requesting access to the professional's further details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Freddie Miller

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 6, 2022
Schenectady, NY


President - Miller Consulting Group


Public Relations and Communications

Work History

President - Miller Consulting Group

Management consulting to small and medium sized companies. Problem solving, motivational speaking, organizational change, cost reduction and productivity analysis and development.
from Jan 2009

Executive Director

Canajoharie, New York
Executive Director of an 8-County New York State created Commission of 203 communities formed to for Community Development, Heritage Preservation, and Cultural Tourism. NY State assigned the...
Jun 2001 — Jun 2008

Director Operations, Special Assistant to Vice President

Groton, CT; West Milton NY, Detroit, Michigan
Executive managent in solving Divisional Problems regarding performance, productivity, quality, team building, and success planning for US based and International Operations.
Jan 1962 — Jan 1992


Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive
Corporate Executive


Business Strategy
Management Consulting
Strategic Planning
Project Management
Change Management
Program Management
Business Analysis
Team Building
Succession Planning
Community Outreach
Organizational Development
Community Development
Public Speaking
Event Planning

FAQs about Fred E Miller

What's the main profession of Fred E Miller?

This professional's job is President

What jobs is Fred E Miller proficient at at?

The expert is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Chairperson.

Where does Fred E Miller currently live?

The expert currently lives in Schenectady, New York.

What is the expert's email?

The expert's email is fe**

How many companies did Fred E Miller work at?

The professional worked at three jobs.

Where has Fred E Miller studied?

Fred studied at the University of Rhode Island.

Are there any professional industries Fred E Miller is connected to?

Fred works in Management Consulting industry.

What are the skills of Fred E Miller?

Fred has skills in the following areas: Business Strategy, Management Consulting, Strategic Planning, Project Management, Change Management, Program Management, Business Analysis, and Fundraising.