Erika Leonard

Director of Quality Control and Product Development

We found the following information about Erika Leonard at Vector Laboratories, Inc., where this person has worked as a Manager of QA/QC since 1993. Erika's total work experience is over four years, during which time Erika Leonard had at least three jobs at different companies to develop skills. Erika studied at the University of California, Berkeley from 1987 to 1992. Currently, Erika Leonard lives in Berkeley, California. You can contact with Erika by looking for phone or email address or get additional info by requesting access to this professional's additional details.
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Erica Leonard

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 27, 2022
el**, er**
Berkeley, CA


Vector Laboratories, Inc.
Manager of QA/QC

Burlingame, CA


Biotechnology, Mfg Biological Products Mfg Chemical Preparations, Mfg Medicinal/Botanical Products Mfg Chemical Preparations, Laboratories-Biological, Medicinal and Botanical Manufacturing

Work History

Manager of QA/QC

Burlingame, Ca
I am currently the Manager of the QC/QA department. All reagents intended for immunohistochemical use are evaluated in my department. In addition, I am directly involved with the developme...
from May 1993

Laboratory Intern

Aug 1992 — Dec 1992

Bank Teller

Jun 1988 — Jul 1992



Director of Quality Control
Biotechnology Professional
Compliance Manager
Operations Manager
Biological Scientist
Student Worker



FAQs about Erika Leonard

What is the main profession of Erika Leonard?

The expert is a Director of Quality Control and Product Development.

What jobs is Erika Leonard proficient at at?

Erika is proficient at Executive and Director of Quality Control jobs.

Where does Erika Leonard live?

Berkeley, California is the place where Erika Leonard currently lives

Does Erika Leonard have the email address?

el** and er** is The professional's email address.

How many companies did Erika Leonard work at?

Erika Leonard worked at three jobs.

What education does Erika Leonard have?

Erika studied at the University of California, Berkeley from 1987 to 1992.

Are there any professional industries, that Erika Leonard works in?

This person works in Biotechnology industry.

Are there any special skills, that Erika Leonard has?

Erika has skills in the following areas: Biotechnology.