Eli Benarieh

Owner and CFO

We found the following information about Eli Benarieh at Medical Pro Solutions, Inc, where this expert has worked as a Owner and CFO since 2008. Eli's total work experience is over 12 years, during which time this person had at least three jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Eli studied at the City College of New York from 1978. Currently, Eli is located in San Diego, California. You can contact with Eli by searching for phone number or email address or find further information by requesting access to this person's additional details.
Name variants:
Elijah Benarieh, Elisha Benarieh

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Contact Information

Last Update
San Diego, CA


Owner and CFO

San Diego, CA


Health/Allied Services

Work History

Owner and CFO

San Diego, CA
Oct 2008 — Jan 2012

Sr. Software Engineer

San Diego, CA
Dec 1999 — Jun 2007


10873 Cloverhurst Way, San Diego, CA 92130


Master of Science in Software Engineering

New York, NY
from 1978

Certificate of Proficiency in Geographic Information Systems

San Marcos, CA

Bachelors of Science in Hardware and Software Engineering



Financial Director
IT Professional
Software Engineer
Chief Executive
Financial Officer
Financial Manager
Software Developers

FAQs about Eli Benarieh

What is the main profession of Eli Benarieh?

This professional's job is Owner and CFO

What are the main profession of The expert?

These person's professions are Executive and Owner

Where is Eli Benarieh currently located?

Eli Benarieh is located in San Diego, California.

Where did Eli Benarieh work?

Eli Benarieh worked at Medical Pro Solutions, Inc, Qualcomm, Inc.

Where has Eli Benarieh studied?

Eli studied at the City College of New York from 1978.