Ed. Schaked

Ed. Schaked


Ed. Schaked has been working as a Franchise Owner in Schakolad Chocolate Factory. Furthermore, Ed. Schaked has an employment history at one company in the related field. Ed. attended school at the Florida International University from 1988 to 1992. Columbus, Ohio is the place where this professional currently lives. You can find this expert's actual contacts through Connexy search.
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Ed. Schaked

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Columbus, OH


Schakolad Chocolate Factory
Franchise Owner

Orlando, FL


Food Production

Work History

Franchise Owner



Chief Executive


Handmade European styles chocolates
Hand dipped fruits
Sugarfree chocolates
Specialty chocolate drinks
Custom Corporate Gifts
Custom chocolate molds
Wedding/Shower chocolate favors
Gelato and Corporate Bonding/Team Building Events at our store

FAQs about Ed. Schaked

What's the profession of Ed. Schaked?

This professional's job is Retail

What jobs is Ed. a professional at?

The expert is a professional Executive and Owner jobs.

Where does Ed. Schaked currently live?

The professional currently lives in Columbus, Ohio.

How many companies did Ed. Schaked work at?

Ed. Schaked worked at one jobs.

Does Ed. Schaked have personal website or blog?

The expert`s website is http://www.schakolad.com/store23, http://www.schakolad.com/brochure, and http://www.chocolatefranchise.com.

What education does Ed. Schaked have?

Ed. studied at the Florida International University from 1988 to 1992.

Are there any skills Ed. Schaked has?

Ed. has skills in the following areas: Handmade European styles chocolates, Truffles, Hand dipped fruits, Sugarfree chocolates, Specialty chocolate drinks, and Custom Corporate Gifts.