Ed Gotta

Health, Wellness And Fitness

We found the following information about Ed Gotta at The Production Advantage, where this professional has worked as a Director of Marketing since 2010. Ed's total work experience is over 14 years, during which time this professional had a job at one company to develop professional skills. Ed studied at the Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania from 1993 to 1995. Currently, Ed Gotta is located in Richmond, Virginia. You can contact with Ed by searching for phone number or email address or get additional info by requesting access to this professional's further details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Edgar Gotta, Edmund Gotta, Edward Gotta, Edwin Gotta

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 6, 2022
Richmond, VA


The Production Advantage
Director of Marketing

Herndon, VA


Marketing and Advertising, Direct Mail Advertising Services

Work History

Director of Marketing

In 1989 The Production Advantage was founded upon a single guiding principle, to provide the highest level of direct mail production management in the industry. We are veteran, top-flight d...
from Sep 2010


Marketing Director
Health Specialist
Wellness and Fitness
Chief Executive


Direct Marketing
Direct Mail
Email Marketing
Lead Generation
Marketing Communications
Digital Marketing
Integrated Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Online Advertising
Marketing Strategy
Social Media
Creative Direction
Account Management
Trade Shows
Business Development
Multi Channel Marketing
Online Marketing
Brand Development
Interactive Marketing
Public Relations
Relationship Marketing

FAQs about Ed Gotta

What's the main profession of Ed Gotta?

Ed Gotta is a Health, Wellness And Fitness.

What are the main profession of Ed Gotta?

These person's professions are Executive and Marketing Director

Where does Ed Gotta live?

The expert currently lives in Richmond, Virginia.

What is the professional's email?

Ed's email is ed**@productionadvantage.com.

How many companies did Ed Gotta work at?

Ed worked at one jobs.

Does Ed Gotta have personal webpage or blog?

Ed Gotta`s website is http://www.productionadvantage.com.

What education does Ed Gotta have?

Ed studied at the Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania from 1993 to 1995.

What languages does Ed Gotta speak?

Ed Gotta speaks English.