Durell Wright

Director of Financial Services

Durell Wright is a qualified professional, that works in Interstate Hotels Corporation on the position of Director of Financial Services from 1991. This person has earned professional experience in more than three positions at different companies. Durell Wright went to the Millikin University and got education there. Saint Paul, Minnesota is the city, where this person was lastly known to be living. The person's phone and email can be easily accessed through Connexy by request.
Name variants:
Durell Wright

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 25, 2022
Saint Paul, MN
Interstate Hotels Corporation


Director of Financial Services

Work History

Director of Financial Services

1991 — 2003

Director of It

2011 Crystal Dr, Arlington, VA 22202
1991 — 2003

Corporate Director of Finance

6 west 5Th Street Ct SUITE 400, Saint Paul, MN 55128


Financial Director
Finance and Accounting Specialist
Information Technology Director
Financial Officer
Financial Manager
Accounting Bookkeeper
Operations Manager
IT Manager


Hospitality Management
Hospitality Industry
Food and Beverage

FAQs about Durell Wright

What's the main profession of Durell Wright?

This professional's job is Director of Financial Services

What are the main profession of The professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Financial Director

Where does Durell Wright currently live?

Saint Paul, Minnesota is the place where Durell Wright currently lives

What is the expert's email?

Durell's email is dw**@morrisseyhospitality.com.

How many companies did Durell Wright work at?

Durell Wright worked at three jobs.

Where has Durell Wright studied?

Durell studied at the Millikin University.

What is the industry that Durell Wright is connected to?

Durell works in Hospitality industry.

Are there any professional skills, that Durell Wright has?

Durell Wright has skills in the following areas: Hotels, Budgets, Hospitality, Hospitality Management, Hospitality Industry, and Food and Beverage.