Drew Jones

Kitchen Manager

Drew Jones has been a Kitchen Manager in Portland Pie Company since 2018. Moreover, Drew has professional experience at more than four companies in the related field. Drew has a total work experience of three+ years. Drew attended school at the Southern Maine Community College from 2013 to 2015. Waterville, Maine is the place where this person currently lives. You can contact with Drew by looking for phone number or email or get additional information by requesting access to Drew Jones's details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Andy Jones, Drew Jones

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 18, 2022
Waterville, ME


Portland Pie Company
Kitchen Manager



Work History

Kitchen Manager

269 Ocean St, South Portland, ME 04106
I am the Kitchen Manager at the Portland Pie Company in Waterville! I helped open this restaurant and manager the back of the house.
from Feb 1, 2018


P/O Box 5099, Westport, CT
I worked at Camp Manitou for three summers. I started there as a prep cook and worked my way up to a line supervisor. I helped create menus, train staff, and cook food for 600 campers/counse...
Jun 2013 — Sep 2016

Head Chef and Kitchen Manager

I worked for Manitou Experience at their acting camp, Camp Eastwood, over the summer as their head chef. I hired staff, created a menu, ordered all the food, work schedules, and of course co...
May 2016 — Sep 2016

Kitchen Lead

Bon Appetite is a part of Compass Group. I am a kitchen lead (sous chef) in the largest dining hall at Colby College. We feed anywhere from 800-1200 kids a meal period. I help manage my team...
from Jul 2016


Head Chef
Preparation Cook
Head Cook
Operations Manager
Culinary Arts Professional
Food Preparation Worker


Customer Service
Event Planning
Team Building
Culinary Skills

FAQs about Drew Jones

What's the profession of Drew Jones?

This professional's job is Kitchen Manager

What are the profession of Drew Jones?

These person's professions are Cook and Head Chef

Where does Drew Jones currently live?

The expert lives in Waterville, Maine.

Where did Drew Jones work?

Drew worked at Portland Pie Company, Camp Manitou.

What education does Drew Jones have?

Drew studied at the Southern Maine Community College from 2013 to 2015.

Are there any special industries, that Drew Jones is connected to?

This person works in Restaurants industry.

Are there any skills Drew Jones has?

This person has skills in the following areas: Customer Service, Event Planning, Leadership, Team Building, Culinary Skills, Management, Teamwork, and Research.