Doreen Mccray

Accounts Receivable Group Manager

We found the following information about Doreen Mccray at Steren Electronics Llc, where Doreen has worked as a Accounts Receivable Group Manager since 2000. Doreen's total work experience is over 19 years, during which time Doreen Mccray had at least four jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Doreen studied at the National University from 2006. Doreen Mccray currently is located in Pompano Beach, Florida. You can contact with Doreen by searching for phone number or email address or get additional info by requesting access to Doreen's further details.
Name variants:
Dorene Mccray, Dorrie Mccray

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
Pompano Beach, FL


Steren Electronics LLC
Accounts Receivable Group Manager

San Diego, CA


Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing, Other Electronic Component Mfg

Work History

Accounts Receivable Group Manager

6260 Sequence Dr, San Diego, CA 92121
from Nov 2000

Operations Manager

Mar 1996 — Oct 1998

Assistant Manager

420 Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA 94129
Feb 1979 — Feb 1996

Accounts Receivable Group Manager

6910 Carroll Rd SUITE 200, San Diego, CA 92121


2001 — 2006


Accounts Receivable
Group Manager
Operations Manager
Director of Operations
Chief Executive


Cross Functional Team Leadership
Jd Edwards
Process Improvement
Product Management
Inventory Management
Supply Chain
Lean Manufacturing
Supply Chain Management

FAQs about Doreen Mccray

What's the profession of Doreen Mccray?

This professional's job is Accounts Receivable Group Manager

What jobs is Doreen Mccray proficient at at?

Doreen is a professional such jobs as Accountant and Accounts Receivable.

Where does Doreen Mccray currently live?

Pompano Beach, Florida is the place where Doreen Mccray currently lives

What is the professional's email?

The professional's email is do**

How many companies did Doreen Mccray work at?

The professional worked at four jobs.

Where has Doreen Mccray studied?

Doreen studied at the National University from 2006.

Are there any professional industries Doreen Mccray works in?

Doreen Mccray works in Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing industry.

What are professional skills of Doreen Mccray?

Doreen Mccray has skills in the following areas: Erp, Cross Functional Team Leadership, Forecasting, Jd Edwards, Process Improvement, Product Management, Inventory Management, Mrp, and Supply Chain.