Donald Bailey

President and Publisher

We found the following information about Donald Bailey at The Telegraph, where the professional has worked as a President and Publisher since 2013. Donald's total work experience is over 22 years, during which time this professional had at least five jobs at different places to develop skills. Donald studied at the Georgia College and State University from 1986 to 1989. Donald currently lives in Knoxville, Tennessee. You can contact with Donald by looking for phone number or email or find exhaustive information by requesting access to this person's further details from us.
Name variants:
Don Bailey, Donnie Bailey, Donny Bailey

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 24, 2022
dw**, de**
Knoxville, TN


The Telegraph
President and Publisher

Macon, GA



Work History

President and Publisher

487 Cherry Street Ln #p/o box 4167, Macon, GA 31201
Apr 2013 — May 2017

President and Publisher

from Apr 5, 2013

President and Publisher

2012 — Apr 3, 2013


725 Broad Street Ext, Augusta, GA 30901
Aug 1, 2002 — Jul 1, 2011

Marketing Sales Manager

Sep 1984 — Aug 1992


Chief Executive
Publishing Professional


Business Development
Marketing Strategy
Digital Media
Advertising Sales
Social Media
Social Media Marketing
Public Relations
Ap Style

FAQs about Donald Bailey

What is the main profession of Donald Bailey?

This professional's job is President and Publisher

What are the main profession of This expert?

These person's professions are Executive and Chairperson

Where does Donald Bailey live?

Knoxville, Tennessee is the place where Donald Bailey lives

What is Donald Bailey's email?

The expert's email is dw** and de**

How many companies did Donald Bailey work at?

Donald Bailey worked at five jobs.

What education does Donald Bailey have?

Donald studied at the Georgia College and State University from 1986 to 1989.

What languages does Donald Bailey speak?

Donald Bailey speaks English.

What is professional industry that Donald Bailey worked in?

Donald works in Newspapers industry.