Dennis Morgart

General Director - Technical Research and Development

We found the following information about Dennis Morgart at Bnsf Railway, where this person has worked as a General Director - Technical Research and Development since 1980. Dennis's total work experience is over 44 years, during which time Dennis had worked at one company to develop professional skills. Dennis Morgart currently lives in Topeka, Kansas. You can contact with Dennis by searching for phone or email address or find additional info by requesting access to the professional's further details from us.
Name variants:
Denis Morgart, Den Morgart, Denny Morgart

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Last Update
Jul 11, 2022
Topeka, KS


BNSF Railway
General Director - Technical Research and Development

Fort Worth, TX


Transportation/Trucking/Railroad, Railroad, Railroad Line-Haul Operator, Railroad System

Work History

General Director - Technical Research and Development

2650 Lou Menk Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76131
BNSF Railway operates one of the largest railroad networks in North America, with about 32,500 route miles in 28 states and two Canadian provinces. The railway is among the world's top trans...
from 1980


Chief Executive Officer
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive