David Waldman

Senior Manager

We found the following information about David Waldman at SALT Payroll Consultants, where this professional has worked as a Senior Executive since 1997. David's total work experience is over 14 years, during which time this professional had at least three jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. David studied at the State University of New York at Albany from 1987 to 1990. Currently, David lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can contact with David by looking for phone number or email address or find exhaustive information by requesting access to their additional details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Daved Waldman, Dayvid Waldman, Dave Waldman, Davey Waldman, Davie Waldman, Davy Waldman

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Last Update
Jan 29, 2016
Charlotte, NC


Senior Executive



Work History

Senior Executive

Charlotte, NY and Tampa, FL
President and CEO of The Waldman Group, Inc. and Senior Executive for SALT Payroll Consultants, Inc: The premier unemployment tax consulting firm in the country. www.saltpayroll.com SALT i...
from 1997


Atlanta, GA and Charlotte, NC
The Wingman Foundation was created by identical twin brothers Rob and Dave Waldman and is the non-profit division of Wingman Enterprises. The Foundation is focused on identifying, honoring, ...
from Jan 2004


Charlotte, NC
Waldman Naturals, Inc. is an all natural food products producer. Its first product, Kickers All Natural Food Enhancer, will be launched in late 2013. Kickers is a 100% All Natural Powdered f...
from Jan 2010


Senior Manager
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Executive Officer
Government Official
Fundraising Officer
Operations Manager
General and Operations Manager
Chief Executive
Corporate Executive
Government Service Executive


Account Management
New Business Development
Strategic Planning
Mergers & Acquisitions
Team Building
Business Development
Employee Benefits
Strategic Partnerships
Sales Management

FAQs about David Waldman

What's the profession of David Waldman?

This professional's job is Senior Manager

What are the profession of David?

These person's professions are Executive and Senior Manager

Where is David Waldman located?

The expert is located in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Where did David Waldman work?

David worked at SALT Payroll Consultants, The Wingman Foundation - Wingman Enterprises.

Does David Waldman have personal website or blog?

The professional`s website is http://www.theultimatewingman.com.

What education does David Waldman have?

David studied at the State University of New York at Albany from 1987 to 1990.

What is the industry that David Waldman worked in?

David works in Accounting industry.

What are the skills of David Waldman?

This person has the following skills: Account Management, New Business Development, Strategic Planning, Mergers & Acquisitions, Leadership, Team Building, Business Development, and Management.