David Smarte

Director of Safety, Training, Special Projects

Since 2005, David Smarte has been working in Delaware Elevator. This professional is a well-qualified Director of Safety, Training, Special Projects with over 19 years of work experience. According to David's CV and work profile, this professional has worked at one place with numerous backgrounds and got different skills. David Smarte can be found in Dover, Delaware – where the professional currently lives. You can search for David Smarte's contacts. We can also provide you with exhaustive contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Daved Smarte, Dayvid Smarte, Dave Smarte, Davey Smarte, Davie Smarte, Davy Smarte

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Dover, DE


Director of Safety, Training, Special Projects

Work History

Director of Safety, Training, Special Projects

from 2005


Operations Manager


Contract Management
Construction Management
Contract Negotiation
Operations Management

FAQs about David Smarte

What's the main profession of David Smarte?

The expert is a Director of Safety, Training, Special Projects.

What jobs is David Smarte proficient at at?

The expert is a professional Executive and Director jobs.

Where does David Smarte currently live?

They currently lives in Dover, Delaware.

Where did David Smarte work?

The professional worked at Delaware Elevator.

What is the industry that David Smarte is connected to?

David Smarte works in Construction industry.

Are there any special skills, that David Smarte has?

This professional has skills in the following areas: Contract Management, Construction Management, Construction, Contract Negotiation, and Operations Management.