David Heck


Since 2003, David Heck has been working in Boyd 1381, 1381. This professional is a well-qualified Appartment Maintenance with over 26 years of work experience. According to David's resume and work profile, this person has worked at more than four places with diverse backgrounds and got different skills. David attended school at the North Dorchester High School from 1978 to 1982. David can be found in Charlotte, North Carolina – where this professional currently lives. You can search for David Heck's phone number and email. We can also provide you additional contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Daved Heck, Dayvid Heck, Dave Heck, Davey Heck, Davie Heck, Davy Heck

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 23, 2022
Charlotte, NC


Boyd Corp
Appartment Maintenance

Modesto, CA


Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

Work History

Appartment Maintenance

600 south Mcclure Rd, Modesto, CA 95357
Troubleshoot, repair, replace heat pumps Various electrical, plumbing, and carpentry repairs to apartments and commercial properties. On call emergency technician
Mar 2003 — Feb 2007


Handle various household repairs Troubleshoot, repair, replace A/.Cs and heat pumps Repairs to various appliances Repair leaks in quest piping.
from Feb 2007


Armed security guard for Zim Shipping Co. s headquarters Wired several homes for electronic security systems Cargo entrance guard at Norfolk International Airport
2003 — 2005

Gas Turbine Electrician

operation, maintenance, calibration, repair, and testing of gas turbine engines, control systems and auxiliary systems
Feb 1983 — Feb 2003



Chief Executive
Technical Specialist
Technical Support Specialists


Building Maintenance
Facilities Management
Appliance Repair
Electrical Repairs
Home Repairs
Hvac Controls

FAQs about David Heck

What's the profession of David Heck?

This professional's job is Owner

What jobs is David a professional at?

David is a professional such jobs as Executive and Owner.

Where is David Heck currently located?

David Heck is located in Charlotte, North Carolina.

How many companies did David Heck work at?

The professional worked at four jobs.

What education does David Heck have?

David studied at the North Dorchester High School from 1978 to 1982.

What is the industry that David Heck is connected to?

David Heck works in Facilities Services industry.

What are special skills of David Heck?

This person has the following skills: Building Maintenance, Facilities Management, Electricians, Appliance Repair, Electrical Repairs, Plumbing, Home Repairs, Hvac, Troubleshooting, and Maintenance.