Dave Lupp

Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer

We found the following information about Dave Lupp at Mod-Pac Corp, where the professional has worked as a Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer since 2006. Dave's total work experience is over 18 years, during which time this expert had at least two jobs at different places to develop skills. Dave currently lives in Buffalo, New York. You can contact with Dave by looking for phone number or email or find further information by requesting access to the person's additional details from us.
Name variants:
David Lupp

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
dl**@modpac.com, da**@gmail.com, dl**@roadrunner.com
Buffalo, NY


Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer

Buffalo, NY


Packaging and Containers, Mfg Designed Folding Paperboard Boxes, Mfg of Folding Paperboard Boxes, Gravure Commercial Printing Lithographic Commercial Printing, Copies, Commercial Lithographic Printing, Boxes-Paper (Manufacturers)

Work History

Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer

1801 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14222
from Jan 1, 2006

Executive Advisor

1801 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14222


Chief Operating Officer
Financial Director
General and Operations Manager
Chief Executive
Financial Officer
Financial Manager


Continuous Improvement
Lean Manufacturing
Process Improvement
Strategic Planning
New Business Development
Change Management
Team Building
Business Strategy
Six Sigma
Sales Management
Business Development
Business Process Improvement

FAQs about Dave Lupp

What's the profession of Dave Lupp?

This professional's job is Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer

What are the main profession of Dave Lupp?

These person's professions are Executive and Chief Operating Officer

Where is Dave Lupp located?

Dave Lupp is located in Buffalo, New York.

Does Dave Lupp have the email address?

dl**@modpac.com and da**@gmail.com is The professional's email address.

Where did Dave Lupp work?

This expert worked at Mod-Pac Corp, Mod-Pac Corp.

Are there any industries, that Dave Lupp works in?

Dave works in Packaging And Containers industry.

Are there any professional skills Dave Lupp has?

Dave has such skills as Continuous Improvement, Lean Manufacturing, Leadership, Process Improvement, Strategic Planning, New Business Development, and Change Management.