Danielle Lafaye Berry

General Manager

Danielle Lafaye Berry has been working as a Marketing, Event Coordinator in American Express Financial Advisors since 2003. Furthermore, the person has on-the-job experience at more than four companies using similar skills. Danielle has a total work experience of 15+ years. Danielle Lafaye Berry studied at the Southeastern Louisiana University from 1986 to 1991. Today this expert lives in Nashville, Tennessee region. Find this person's current email address and number with our search.
Name variants:
Daniela Berry, Dani Berry, Danny Berry, Ellie Berry

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
Nashville, TN


Marketing, Event Coordinator


Financial Services

Work History

Marketing, Event Coordinator

Aug 2003 — Jan 2005

General Manager

from Jan 2005

General Manager

25 Lake Avenue Ext, Danbury, CT 06811
Jan 2000 — Jan 2003

Store Manager and District Trainer and District Recruiter

10401 northeast 8Th St SUITE 500, Bellevue, WA 98004
Jan 1990 — Jan 2000



Chief Executive Officer
Event Planner
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive
Event Manager


New Business Development
Social Networking
Customer Service
Project Planning
Consumer Services

FAQs about Danielle Lafaye Berry

What's the main profession of Danielle Lafaye Berry?

Danielle Lafaye Berry is a General Manager.

What are the main profession of Danielle?

These person's professions are Executive and Chief Executive Officer

Where does Danielle Lafaye Berry live?

Nashville, Tennessee is the place where Danielle Lafaye Berry lives

Where did Danielle Lafaye Berry work?

Danielle Lafaye Berry worked at American Express Financial Advisors, A Moment's Peace Salon & Day Spa.

What education does Danielle Lafaye Berry have?

Danielle studied at the Southeastern Louisiana University from 1986 to 1991.

Are there any industries, that Danielle Lafaye Berry works in?

This person works in Consumer Services industry.

Are there any special skills, that Danielle Lafaye Berry has?

This professional has such skills as Leadership, Management, Marketing, New Business Development, Social Networking, Training, Services, Customer Service, Benefits, and Project Planning.