Dan Tyson

General Manager

We found the following information about Dan Tyson at Varian Medical Systems, where this expert has worked as a General Manager since 1986. Dan's total work experience is over 22 years, during which time this professional had at least two jobs at different places to develop skills. Dan Tyson currently is located in Honolulu, Hawaii. You can contact with Dan by looking for phone number or email or find exhaustive info by requesting access to Dan Tyson's additional details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Daniel Tyson

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jan 29, 2016
Honolulu, HI


Varian Medical Systems
General Manager

Palo Alto, CA


Medical Devices, Sales And Service Of Healthcare Equipment And Products, Manufacturing, Miscellaneous Manufacturing, Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing, Whol Medical/Hospital Equipment, Mfg Surgical/Medical Instruments, Mfg Surgical/Medical Instruments Mfg Measuring/Controlling Devices, Mfg X-Ray Apparatus/Tubes and Flat Panel Systems, Mfg Linear Accelerators & X-Ray Apparatus & Tubes Systems Integration, Mfg Medical Equipment, Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Manufacturin, All Other Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment and Component M

Work History

General Manager

3100 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, CA 94304
Nov 1986 — Oct 2008

General Manager


Chief Executive Officer
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive


Medical Devices

FAQs about Dan Tyson

What's the main profession of Dan Tyson?

Dan is a General Manager.

What jobs is Dan a professional at?

Dan Tyson is a professional such jobs as Executive and Chief Executive Officer.

Where does Dan Tyson live?

They currently lives in Honolulu, Hawaii.

What is the expert's email?

The professional's email is da**@varian.com.

How many companies did Dan Tyson work at?

The professional worked at two jobs.

What languages does Dan Tyson speak?

Dan Tyson speaks Japanese.

What is professional industry that Dan Tyson is connected to?

Dan Tyson works in Medical Devices industry.

Are there any skills Dan Tyson has?

Dan Tyson has such skills as Medical Devices.