Colleen Perry

General Manager

We found the following information about Colleen Perry at Camping World and Good Sam, where this person has worked as a General Manager since 2019. Colleen's total work experience is over 16 years, during which time this expert had at least three jobs at different companies to develop skills. Colleen attended school at the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine from 1992 to 1995. Toledo, Ohio is the place where the professional currently lives. You can contact with Colleen by looking for phone number or email or find further information by requesting access to their details from us.
Name variants:
Coleen Perry, Lena Perry

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 7, 2022
cp**, fl**
Toledo, OH


Camping World and Good Sam
General Manager

Lincolnshire, IL



Work History

General Manager

250 Parkway Dr SUITE 270, Lincolnshire, IL 60069
from Mar 2019

Finance Manager Camping World

250 Parkway Dr SUITE 270, Lincolnshire, IL 60069
from Dec 1, 2015

Finance Manager

from Apr 2008


Chief Executive Officer
Financial Director
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive
Financial Officer
Financial Manager


Team Building
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Service
Sales Process
New Business Development
Sales Management
Customer Retention
Sales Operations
Account Management
Strategic Planning
Inventory Management
Business Planning
Business Development

FAQs about Colleen Perry

What's the main profession of Colleen Perry?

The expert is a General Manager.

What jobs is Colleen Perry a professional at?

The expert is a professional Executive and Chief Executive Officer jobs.

Where does Colleen Perry currently live?

They lives in Toledo, Ohio.

What is Colleen Perry's email?

The expert's email is cp** and fl**

How many companies did Colleen Perry work at?

Colleen Perry worked at three jobs.

What education does Colleen Perry have?

Colleen studied at the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine from 1992 to 1995.

What is the industry that Colleen Perry is connected to?

This person works in Automotive industry.

Are there any skills, that Colleen Perry has?

Colleen Perry has skills in the following areas: Team Building, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Service, Sales Process, Sales, New Business Development, Automotive, Sales Management, and Customer Retention.