Christina Focht

Operations Manager at Commercev

We found the following information about Christina Focht at Commercev3, where Christina has worked as a Operations Manager at Commercev since 2004. Christina's total work experience is over six years, during which time this professional had at least four jobs at different places to develop skills. Christina currently lives in Savannah, Georgia. You can contact with Christina by looking for phone number or email or find further info by requesting access to Christina Focht's further details from us.
Name variants:
Christine Focht

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Savannah, GA


Operations Manager at Commercev



Work History

Operations Manager at Commercev

Savannah, GA
Operations Manager at CommerceV at CommerceV3
from Jun 2004

Receiving Manager and Night Manager

2455 Paces Ferry Rd, Atlanta, GA 30326
2001 — Jun 2004

Assistant Zone Manager and Nursery Specialist

1000 Lowes Blvd, Mooresville, NC 28117
1996 — 1999

Operations Manager


Operations Manager
Director of Operations
IT Professional
Computer Software Professional
Software Developers


Customer Service
Project Management
Social Media Marketing
E Commerce
Account Management
Technical Support
Problem Solving
Public Relations
Shipping and Receiving
Small Business
Creative Writing
Inventory Management
Operations Management

FAQs about Christina Focht

What's the main profession of Christina Focht?

This professional's job is Operations Manager at Commercev

What jobs is Christina Focht proficient at at?

The expert is proficient at Executive and Operations Manager jobs.

Where is Christina Focht currently located?

Christina Focht is located in Savannah, Georgia.

Does the expert have the email address?

ch** is The professional's email address.

Where did Christina Focht work?

Christina Focht worked at Commercev3, The Home Depot.

What is professional industry that Christina Focht is connected to?

This person works in Internet industry.

What are the skills of Christina Focht?

This professional has skills in the following areas: Customer Service, Project Management, Social Media Marketing, E Commerce, Sales, Management, Account Management, Technical Support, Seo, and Problem Solving.