Chris Weathington

General Manager

We found the following information about Chris Weathington at Pace Analytical Services, where Chris has worked as a General Manager since 2006. Chris's total work experience is over 19 years, during which time this professional had at least six jobs at different places to develop skills. Chris studied at the Auburn University. Chris Weathington currently is located in New Orleans, Louisiana. You can contact with Chris by looking for phone number or email address or find additional information by requesting access to this person's additional details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Christian Weathington, Christopher Weathington, Christine Weathington, Crystal Weathington

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jan 29, 2016
New Orleans, LA


General Manager

Minneapolis, MN


Environmental Testing And Analytical Company, Testing Laboratory, Testing Laboratory Business Consulting Svcs Coml Physical Research, Services-Misc

Work History

General Manager

Greater New Orleans Area
from 2006


Greater New Orleans Area
Specializes in identification of chemical constituents of unknowns. Examples of past projects include: drugs in yogurt, identification of unknown oils, determine potential toxicity of sample...
from 2005

Laboratory Director

Dayton, Ohio Area
1999 — 2006

Operations Manager

St. Louis, MO
1993 — 1999

Technical Manager

Columbia, Maryland
Environmental Engineering and Analysis.
Mar 1982 — Oct 1988


1300 Jefferson St, Gretna, LA 70053


Chief Executive Officer
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive

FAQs about Chris Weathington

What is the profession of Chris Weathington?

This professional's job is General Manager

What jobs is Chris proficient at at?

Chris Weathington is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Chief Executive Officer.

Where does Chris Weathington currently live?

New Orleans, Louisiana is the place where Chris Weathington currently lives

How many companies did Chris Weathington work at?

Chris Weathington worked at six jobs.

What education does Chris Weathington have?

Chris studied at the Auburn University.

What is the industry that Chris Weathington worked in?

This person works in Environmental Services industry.