Charles Charney


Charles Charney has been working as a Educator at Johnsonburg Area High School since 1987. Additionally, this professional has on-the-job experience at more than two companies using similar skills. Charles has a total work experience of 37+ years. Charles studied at the California University of Pennsylvania from 1983 to 1986. Charles Charney can be found in Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania – where the professional currently lives. You can find this person's actual email address and number through our search.
Name variants:
Charlie Charney, Chad Charney, Chas Charney, Chuck Charney, Karl Charney

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Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
Johnsonburg, PA



Johnsonburg, PA


Education Management, Elementary/Secondary School

Work History


315 High School Rd, Johnsonburg, PA 15845
from Jan 1987

Metal Shop Instuctor and Vocational Agriculture Instuctor

315 High School Rd, Johnsonburg, PA 15845



Education Professional

FAQs about Charles Charney

What's the profession of Charles Charney?

This professional's job is Educator

What jobs is Charles Charney a professional at?

Charles Charney is proficient at Professor and Educator jobs.

Where is Charles Charney currently located?

Charles Charney is currently located in Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania.

How many companies did Charles Charney work at?

The professional worked at two jobs.

What education does Charles Charney have?

Charles studied at the California University of Pennsylvania from 1983 to 1986.

What is the industry that Charles Charney worked in?

Charles Charney works in Primary/Secondary Education industry.