Carolyn Cook

Crossing Safety and and Trespass Prevention Senior Manager

We found the following information about Carolyn Cook at Federal Railroad Administration, where Carolyn Cook has worked as a Crossing Safety and and Trespass Prevention Senior Manager since 1999. Carolyn's total work experience is over six years, during which time this professional had at least three jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Carolyn studied at the University of Missouri - Columbia from 1982 to 1985. Currently, Carolyn lives in Austin, Texas. You can contact with Carolyn by looking for phone number or email or get additional info by requesting access to this expert's additional details from us.
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Caroline Cook

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 9, 2022
ca**, ca**
Austin, TX


Crossing Safety and and Trespass Prevention Senior Manager

Washington, DC


Government Administration, Regulation/Administrative Transportation

Work History

Crossing Safety and and Trespass Prevention Senior Manager

Serving Region 5 - Southwest Region (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX) of the Federal Railroad Administration since 1999. Prevention of crossing and trespassing incidents in the Region is my primary respo...
from Sep 1, 1999

Grade Crossing Safety Specialist

1701 north Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701
Jan 1, 1995 — Sep 1, 1999

Texas Operation Lifesaver

Jul 1993 — Jan 1995



Senior Manager
Health Specialist
Safety Specialist
Operations Manager
Industrial Hygienist


Program Management
Policy Analysis
Strategic Planning
Data Analysis
Microsoft Office
Public Speaking
Project Planning
Leadership Development
Transportation Planning
Public Policy
Proposal Writing
Project Management

FAQs about Carolyn Cook

What's the main profession of Carolyn Cook?

This professional's job is Crossing Safety and and Trespass Prevention Senior Manager

What are the main profession of The professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Senior Manager

Where does Carolyn Cook currently live?

Austin, Texas is the place where Carolyn Cook currently lives

Does Carolyn Cook have the email address?

ca** and ca** is Carolyn's email address.

How many companies did Carolyn Cook work at?

Carolyn Cook worked at three jobs.

Where has Carolyn Cook studied?

Carolyn studied at the University of Missouri - Columbia from 1982 to 1985.

What languages does Carolyn Cook speak?

Carolyn Cook speaks Spanish.

What is professional industry that Carolyn Cook worked in?

This person works in Transportation/Trucking/Railroad industry.