Carmen Marinelli

Vice President of Construction

With work experience over 11 years, this person is nowadays working at Schell Brothers located in 82 as a Vice President of Construction. Carmen received his education from 1995 to 1999 at the Mount St. Mary's University. Carmen can be found in Millsboro, Delaware. To contact directly with Carmen, you can search for their phone number or e-mail or get exhaustive info by requesting access to Carmen's further details through Connexy.
Name variants:
Carmen Marinelli

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 7, 2022
ca**, ca**, ca**
Millsboro, DE


Schell Brothers
Vice President of Construction

Rehoboth Beach, DE



Work History

Vice President of Construction

20184 Phillips St, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Schell Brothers is a dynamic residential construction company with a focus on single and multi-family homes. We have a broad range of companies that include production building, custom homes...
from Oct 2011

Senior Project Manager

1140 Virginia Dr, Fort Washington, PA 19034
Mar 2004 — Oct 2011

Construction Superintendant

11700 Plaza America Dr, Reston, VA 20190
I was responsible for the oversight of construction for single family homes, townhomes, and 4-story condominums. I coordinated and scheduled all subcontractors to work on the various structu...
2000 — 2004


12107 Snug Hbr Rd, Berlin, MD 21811


1991 — 1995


Vice President
Senior Project Manager
Chief Executive
Senior Manager
Operations Manager


Contract Negotiation
Process Scheduler
Residential Homes
Contract Management
Single Family Homes
Real Estate
Real Estate Development
Project Planning
Project Management
Process Improvement
Property Management
Project Bidding
Ms Project

FAQs about Carmen Marinelli

What is the main profession of Carmen Marinelli?

Carmen Marinelli is a Vice President of Construction.

What are the profession of The professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Vice President

Where does Carmen Marinelli live?

Millsboro, Delaware is the place where Carmen Marinelli lives

Does Carmen have the email address?

ca** and ca** is Carmen's email address.

Where did Carmen Marinelli work?

This person worked at Schell Brothers, Toll Brothers.

Where has Carmen Marinelli studied?

Carmen studied at the Mount St. Mary's University from 1995 to 1999.

Are there any special industries, that Carmen Marinelli works in?

Carmen works in Construction industry.

Are there any skills Carmen Marinelli has?

Carmen has the following skills: Construction, Contract Negotiation, Process Scheduler, Budgets, Sales, Residential Homes, Contract Management, Single Family Homes, and Subcontracting.