Brian Prince

Vice President

We found the following information about Brian Prince at Artmark Products Corporation, where this professional has worked as a Vice President since 2017. Brian's total work experience is over five years, during which time they had at least three jobs at different places to develop skills. Brian studied at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Currently, Brian lives in Miami, Florida. You can contact with Brian by looking for phone or email address or get exhaustive info by requesting access to their additional details.
Name variants:
Bryan Prince, Bryant Prince

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 23, 2022
Miami, FL


Artmark Products Corporation
Vice President

Miami, FL


Import and Export, Wholesales Screws Nuts and Bolts and Iron and Steel Castings

Work History

Vice President

11315 northwest 36Th Ter, Miami, FL 33178
Global Sourcing Company specilaizing in Industrial Components for OEM customers.Artmark specializes in high specification components for OEM industries with concentration in the valve and pu...
from Jan 2017

Sales Manager

11315 northwest 36Th Ter, Miami, FL 33178
Global Sourcing Company specilaizing in Industrial Components for OEM customers.Artmark specializes in high specification components for OEM industries with concentration in the valve and pu...
from Nov 2002


Jun 1997 — Oct 2002


Vice President
Sales Specialist
Equipment Tools Purchasing Agent
Sales Manager
Sales Director
Chief Executive
Department Store Salesperson
Retail Salesperson


Continuous Improvement
Product Development
Strategic Sourcing
Global Sourcing
Lean Manufacturing
Supply Chain Management
Process Improvement
Six Sigma

FAQs about Brian Prince

What's the main profession of Brian Prince?

This professional's job is Vice President

What are the profession of Brian Prince?

These person's professions are Executive and Vice President

Where is Brian Prince located?

The professional is located in Miami, Florida.

Where did Brian Prince work?

The professional worked at Artmark Products Corporation, Artmark Products Corporation.

What education does Brian Prince have?

Brian studied at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

What is professional industry that Brian Prince is connected to?

Brian Prince works in Import And Export industry.

Are there any skills Brian Prince has?

Brian Prince has skills in the following areas: Continuous Improvement, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Product Development, Strategic Sourcing, Global Sourcing, Lean Manufacturing, and Supply Chain Management.