Brian Myers

Vice President of Business Development

We found the following information about Brian Myers at Flexco Fleet Services, where this professional has worked as a Vice President of Business Development since 2006. Brian's total work experience is over 11 years, during which time this person had at least four jobs at different companies to develop skills. Brian studied at the University of Northern Iowa. Brian currently lives in Dallas, Texas. You can contact with Brian by searching for phone or email address or find further information by requesting access to the person's additional details from us.
Name variants:
Bryan Myers, Bryant Myers

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 6, 2022
Dallas, TX


Flexco Fleet Services
Vice President of Business Development



Work History

Vice President of Business Development

9200 Memorial Dr, Plain City, OH 43064
As VP of Business Development I am directly responsible for negotiations and sales management strategies in order to implement a successful fleet remarketing program with commercial based cu...
from Apr 2006

Regional Sales Manager

3000 Lakeside Dr, Bannockburn, IL 60015
Aug 1999 — Apr 2006

Sales Manager

901 Main Ave, Norwalk, CT 06851
Apr 1995 — Aug 1999

VP of Business Development


Vice President
Finance and Accounting Specialist
Chief Executive
Accounting Bookkeeper

FAQs about Brian Myers

What's the main profession of Brian Myers?

Brian is a Vice President of Business Development.

What jobs is Brian proficient at at?

Brian is a professional Executive and Vice President jobs.

Where does Brian Myers currently live?

Dallas, Texas is the place where Brian Myers lives

What is Brian's email?

Brian's email is bm**

Where did Brian Myers work?

The expert worked at Flexco Fleet Services, Donlen Corporation.

What education does Brian Myers have?

Brian studied at the University of Northern Iowa.

What is professional industry that Brian Myers is connected to?

This professional works in Automotive industry.