Boomer Whipple

Partner - Senior Vice President

We found the following information about Boomer Whipple at Lundstrom Insurance, where this professional has worked as a Senior Vice President since 2011. Boomer's total work experience is over 17 years, during which time this expert had at least five jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Boomer studied at the Vanderbilt University from 1991 to 1995. Currently, Boomer lives in Chicago, Illinois. You can contact with Boomer by looking for phone or email or find full info by requesting access to Boomer's further details.
Name variants:
Boomer Whipple

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 3, 2022
bw**, bo**
Chicago, IL


Lundstrom Insurance
Senior Vice President



Work History

Senior Vice President

Elgin, IL
2011 — 2012

Partner - Senior Vice President

Elgin, IL
Serve as a trusted advisor to our employer clients by delivering comprehensive and cost-efficient benefit programs and strategies for them and their employees
from 2012

Vice President

Elgin, IL
2001 — 2011

Account Executive

Elgin, IL
1997 — 2001

Baseball Player

115 Federal Street Ext, Pittsburgh, PA 15214
1995 — 1997


1991 — 1995
1987 — 1991


Senior Vice President
Chief Executive
Vice President



FAQs about Boomer Whipple

What's the main profession of Boomer Whipple?

This professional's job is Partner - Senior Vice President

What jobs is Boomer Whipple a professional at?

The expert is proficient at Executive and Partner jobs.

Where does Boomer Whipple live?

Chicago, Illinois is the place where Boomer Whipple currently lives

Does the professional have the email address?

bw** and bo** is Boomer Whipple's email address.

Where did Boomer Whipple work?

Boomer Whipple worked at Lundstrom Insurance, Lundstrom Insurance.

What education does Boomer Whipple have?

Boomer studied at the Vanderbilt University from 1991 to 1995.

What is professional industry that Boomer Whipple is connected to?

Boomer works in Insurance industry.

What are the skills of Boomer Whipple?

This person has such skills as Insurance.