Bonnie Leitzke


Bonnie Leitzke has been working as a Branch Manager in Lincoln Contractors Supply, Inc. since 1977. Furthermore, this professional has an employment history at one company using similar skills. Bonnie has a total work experience of 31+ years. Now this professional lives in Madison, Wisconsin region. You can find Bonnie Leitzke's current email address and number through our search.
Name variants:
Bonny Leitzke

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 23, 2022
Madison, WI


Lincoln Contractors Supply, Inc.
Branch Manager

Milwaukee, WI


Construction, Whol Construction/Mining Equipment Equipment Rental/Leasing

Work History

Branch Manager

11111 west Hayes Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53227
1977 — 2008


Branch Manager
Field Marketing Specialist
Marketing Manager


Microsoft Office

FAQs about Bonnie Leitzke

What is the main profession of Bonnie Leitzke?

This professional's job is Construction

What are the profession of The professional?

These person's professions are Marketer and Branch Manager

Where does Bonnie Leitzke currently live?

Madison, Wisconsin is the place where Bonnie Leitzke currently lives

Does the expert have the email address?

be** is The professional's email address.

Where did Bonnie Leitzke work?

Bonnie Leitzke worked at Lincoln Contractors Supply, Inc..

What are professional skills of Bonnie Leitzke?

Bonnie has the following skills: Microsoft Office.