Bob Hughes

Founding Principal

Since 1992, Bob Hughes has been working in Hgor based 187, 187. Bob is a qualified Founding Principal with over 32 years of work experience. According to Bob's CV and work profile, this professional has worked at more than two companies with numerous backgrounds and gained different skills. Bob attended school at the University of Georgia from 1973 to 1977. Bob can be found in Atlanta, Georgia – where this expert currently lives. You can search for the professional's contacts. We can also provide you exhaustive contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Robert Hughes

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 10, 2022
Atlanta, GA


Founding Principal

Atlanta, GA


Architecture & Planning

Work History

Founding Principal

3445 Peachtree Rd, Atlanta, GA 30326
from Oct 1992


3445 Peachtree Rd, Atlanta, GA 30326


School Principal
School Administrator
Educational Manager


Comprehensive Planning
Site Planning
Landscape Architecture
Mixed Use
Sustainable Design
Land Use Planning
Urban Design
Site Plans
Leed Ap
Landscape Design
Urban Planning
Design Research
Master Planning
Location Intelligence
Garden Design

FAQs about Bob Hughes

What's the profession of Bob Hughes?

This professional's job is Founding Principal

What jobs is Bob Hughes a professional at?

Bob Hughes is proficient at such jobs as Professor and School Principal.

Where does Bob Hughes currently live?

Bob lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

What is Bob Hughes's email?

The expert's email is bh**

How many companies did Bob Hughes work at?

Bob Hughes worked at two jobs.

What education does Bob Hughes have?

Bob studied at the University of Georgia from 1973 to 1977.

What is the industry that Bob Hughes is connected to?

Bob works in Architecture & Planning industry.

Are there any special skills, that Bob Hughes has?

This person has the following skills: Comprehensive Planning, Site Planning, Landscape Architecture, Mixed Use, Sustainable Design, Land Use Planning, Streetscape, Urban Design, and Site Plans.