Becki Wandell

Marketing Director, Smith Realty Partners

Becki Wandell has been a Marketing Director in Smith Realty Partners since 2009. Moreover, the person has professional experience at more than two companies in the related field. Becki has a total work experience of ten+ years. Becki Wandell studied at the Northwestern Business College from 1978 to 1980. Today this professional lives in Columbus, Ohio region. You can find this expert's actual contacts with our search.
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Becki Wandell

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Columbus, OH


Smith Realty Partners
Marketing Director

Dublin, OH


Commercial Real Estate

Work History

Marketing Director

Responsible for all aspects of marketing for this commercial real estate firm which includes web site maintenance, marketing of client properties and managing property listings through the c...
from Aug 2009

Real Estate Sales

1998 — 2008


Marketing Director
Real Estate Broker
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Chief Executive
Property Manager
Real Estate Manager


Real Estate
Commercial Real Estate

FAQs about Becki Wandell

What is the main profession of Becki Wandell?

The expert is a Marketing Director, Smith Realty Partners.

What jobs is Becki Wandell proficient at at?

Becki is a professional Executive and Marketing Director jobs.

Where is Becki Wandell located?

The professional is currently located in Columbus, Ohio.

How many companies did Becki Wandell work at?

The professional worked at two jobs.

Does Becki Wandell have personal webpage or blog?

The professional`s website is

Where has Becki Wandell studied?

Becki studied at the Northwestern Business College from 1978 to 1980.

Are there any industries Becki Wandell is connected to?

Becki Wandell works in Commercial Real Estate industry.

Are there any special skills, that Becki Wandell has?

This professional has such skills as Real Estate and Commercial Real Estate.