Badriah Nordstrom

Brokerage Director - San Diego Office

We found the following information about Badriah Nordstrom at BGA Insurance, where the professional has worked as a Brokerage Director - San Diego Office since 2011. Badriah's total work experience is over ten years, during which time Badriah Nordstrom had at least two jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Badriah attended school at the Northrop University from 1983 to 1986. This expert is skilled in Malay. Badriah Nordstrom can be found in Newport Beach, California – where this person is currently located. Find this expert's actual phone and email through our search.
Name variants:
Badriah Nordstrom

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 11, 2022
ba**, ba**
Newport Beach, CA


BGA Insurance
Brokerage Director - San Diego Office

Newport Beach, CA



Work History

Brokerage Director - San Diego Office

Provides underwriting expertise and backoffice support.
from Sep 2011

VP Underwriting

Solana Beach, CA
Jan 2000 — Apr 2010


Vice President
Operations Manager
Chief Executive


Life Insurance
Term Life Insurance
Financial Services
Operations Management
Relationship Management
Fixed Annuities
Claims Management
Personal Finance
Investment Advisory
Variable Annuities
Customer Retention
Wealth Accumulation
Insurance Planning

FAQs about Badriah Nordstrom

What is the profession of Badriah Nordstrom?

This professional's job is Brokerage Director - San Diego Office

What are the main profession of This expert?

These person's professions are Executive and Director

Where does Badriah Nordstrom live?

Newport Beach, California is the place where Badriah Nordstrom lives

Does Badriah have the email address?

ba** and ba** is Badriah's email address.

Where did Badriah Nordstrom work?

The professional worked at BGA Insurance, LISG.

What education does Badriah Nordstrom have?

Badriah studied at the Northrop University from 1983 to 1986.

What languages does Badriah Nordstrom speak?

Badriah Nordstrom speaks Malay.

What is the industry that Badriah Nordstrom is connected to?

This professional works in Insurance industry.