Aren Phillips

Assistant Propagation Manager

Aren Phillips has been working as a Assistant Propagation Manager at Spring Meadow Nursery since 2012. Furthermore, Aren Phillips has an employment history at more than four companies using similar skills. Aren has a total work experience of three+ years. Aren Phillips studied at the Calvin College from 2004 to 2008. Now Aren Phillips lives in Grand Haven, Michigan region. You can find this professional's actual phone and email through our search.
Name variants:
Aren Phillips

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Grand Haven, MI


Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc.
Assistant Propagation Manager

Grand Haven, MI


Wholesale, Whol Farm Supplies, Whol Flowers/Florist Supplies, Greenhouses

Work History

Assistant Propagation Manager

Grand Haven, Michigan
from May 2012

Native plant and habitat restoration consultant

designed and maintained native plant landscaping
Apr 2010 — Apr 2011

Science Teacher

Temporary volunteer position Taught 5th - 8th grade general and environmental science
Aug 2008 — Feb 2009

Summer Research Assistant

Assisted in a forest mitigation project
May 2007 — May 2008



Operations Manager


Environmental Science
Plant Ecology
Habitat Restoration

FAQs about Aren Phillips

What is the main profession of Aren Phillips?

This professional's job is Assistant Propagation Manager

What jobs is Aren a professional at?

Aren Phillips is a professional Executive and Manager jobs.

Where does Aren Phillips live?

Grand Haven, Michigan is the place where Aren Phillips lives

How many companies did Aren Phillips work at?

The professional worked at four jobs.

Does Aren Phillips have personal website or blog?

This expert`s website is

Where has Aren Phillips studied?

Aren studied at the Calvin College from 2004 to 2008.

Are there any special industries Aren Phillips works in?

This person works in Wholesale industry.

What are the skills of Aren Phillips?

This person has skills in the following areas: Environmental Science, Plant Ecology, Mitigation, and Habitat Restoration.