Antone Clark

Owner of All The Write Stuff, LLC

We found the following information about Antone Clark at The Standard-Examiner, where the professional has worked as a Correspondent since 2002. Antone's total work experience is over 16 years, during which time Antone Clark had at least four jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Antone studied at the Brigham Young University from 1976 to 1978. Currently, Antone Clark is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. You can contact with Antone by looking for phone number or email address or find additional information by requesting access to their additional details from us.
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Antone Clark

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Salt Lake City, UT



Ogden, UT


Newspapers, Newspapers-Publishing/Printing

Work History


Ogden, Utah
Currently cover four communities in Davis County, including Bountiful, Farmington, Syracuse and Layton and do stories and feaures on an assigned basis. Covered the State Legislature one day...
from Jun 2002

Chief Communications Officer

Writing for company newsletters, SEO writing for web rankings, media relations, as well a public relations.
Jul 2002 — Oct 2012

Managing Editor

Amsterdam, New York
Managed staff of 41 and helped paper transition to Sunday publication.
Oct 1989 — Oct 1991

Managing Editor

Herkimer, New York
Managed small staff of eight for six-day-a-week newspaper. Paper won first major awards in 90 years under my leadership, including two citations for excellence in editorial writing.
Mar 1984 — Oct 1988


1976 — 1978
1972 — 1976


PR and Communications Professional
Chief Communications Officer
SEO Specialist
Chief Executive
Public Relations Professinal
Web Marketer
Marketing Manager


Public Speaking
Strategic Communications
Media Relations
News Writing
Press Releases
Public Relations
Speech Writing
Crisis Communications
Strategic Planning
Copy Editing
Corporate Communications
Internal Communications
Feature Articles

FAQs about Antone Clark

What is the profession of Antone Clark?

This professional's job is Owner of All The Write Stuff, LLC

What jobs is Antone Clark a professional at?

Antone is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Owner.

Where does Antone Clark currently live?

Salt Lake City, Utah is the place where Antone Clark currently lives

Where did Antone Clark work?

Antone worked at The Standard-Examiner, Martin Door Manufacturing.

What education does Antone Clark have?

Antone studied at the Brigham Young University from 1976 to 1978.

What languages does Antone Clark speak?

Antone Clark speaks Spanish.

Are there any professional industries, that Antone Clark works in?

This professional works in Public Relations and Communications industry.

What are the skills of Antone Clark?

Antone has skills in the following areas: Public Speaking, Strategic Communications, Media Relations, News Writing, Press Releases, Newsletters, Journalism, Public Relations, and Speech Writing.