Angela Pasley

Loan Ops/Underwriter

We found the following information about Angela Pasley at OSB Community Bank, where the professional has worked as a Loan Operations Coordinator since 2007. Angela's total work experience is over two years, during which time this person had at least three jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Angela currently is located in Detroit, Michigan. You can contact with Angela by looking for phone number or email address or get additional information by requesting access to Angela's additional details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Angelica Pasley, Angelina Pasley, Angeline Pasley, Angel Pasley, Angie Pasley

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Detroit, MI


OSB Community Bank
Loan Operations Coordinator

Brooklyn, MI


Banking, State Commercial Banks

Work History

Loan Operations Coordinator

Brooklyn, MI
from Oct 2007

Retail Store Manager

Apr 2007 — Aug 2007


Dec 2005 — Apr 2007


Insurance Agent
Operations Coordinator
Sales Specialist
Retail Store Manager
Operations Officer
Operations Manager
Retail Sales Manager
Sales Manager


Customer Service

FAQs about Angela Pasley

What's the profession of Angela Pasley?

This professional's job is Loan Ops/Underwriter

What jobs is Angela a professional at?

Angela is proficient at such jobs as Insurance Agent and Underwriter.

Where is Angela Pasley located?

The expert is located in Detroit, Michigan.

How many companies did Angela Pasley work at?

Angela Pasley worked at three jobs.

What is professional industry that Angela Pasley worked in?

Angela works in Banking industry.

Are there any professional skills Angela Pasley has?

This person has the following skills: Customer Service and Banking.