Angela Bagacina

Senior Sales Operations Manager at Battery-Biz Inc

Since 2004, Angela Bagacina has been working in Battery-Biz Inc situated 667, 667. This expert is a well-qualified Senior Sales Operations Manager at Battery-Biz Inc with over 20 years of work experience. According to Angela's CV and work profile, the professional has worked at one company with numerous backgrounds and got various skills. Angela attended school at the California State University Channel Islands. Angela can be found in Los Angeles, California – where the professional is currently located. You can search for the person's phone number and email. We can also provide you with additional contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Angelica Bagacina, Angelina Bagacina, Angeline Bagacina, Angel Bagacina, Angie Bagacina

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
an**, pe**
Los Angeles, CA


Battery-Biz Inc.
Senior Sales Operations Manager at Battery-Biz Inc

Camarillo, CA


Consumer Electronics, Whol Computers/Peripherals

Work History

Senior Sales Operations Manager at Battery-Biz Inc

1380 Flynn Rd, Camarillo, CA 93012
Sr. Sales Operations Manager at Battery-Biz Inc at Battery-Biz Inc.
from Jun 1, 2004


Operations Manager
Director of Operations


Sales Management
Consumer Electronics
Product Marketing
Product Management
Cross Functional Team Leadership
Account Management
Microsoft Office
Marketing Strategy
Business Development
Product Development

FAQs about Angela Bagacina

What is the main profession of Angela Bagacina?

This professional's job is Senior Sales Operations Manager at Battery-Biz Inc

What jobs is Angela a professional at?

The expert is proficient at Executive and Operations Manager jobs.

Where is Angela Bagacina located?

Angela is currently located in Los Angeles, California.

Does the expert have the email address?

an** and pe** is The expert's email address.

Where did Angela Bagacina work?

Angela Bagacina worked at Battery-Biz Inc..

Where has Angela Bagacina studied?

Angela studied at the California State University Channel Islands.

What is professional industry that Angela Bagacina worked in?

This person works in Consumer Electronics industry.

What are professional skills of Angela Bagacina?

Angela Bagacina has such skills as Sales Management, Consumer Electronics, Product Marketing, Product Management, Management, Cross Functional Team Leadership, and Account Management.