Anabel Papouchado


We found the following information about Anabel Papouchado at Art Institute, where this person has worked as a General Manager since 2004. Anabel's total work experience is over 14 years, during which time they had at least three jobs at different companies to develop skills. Anabel studied at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Currently, Anabel lives in Miami, Florida. You can contact with Anabel by looking for phone number or email or get additional information by requesting access to the professional's additional details from us.
Name variants:
Annabel Papouchado

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Miami, FL


The Art Institutes
General Manager

Pittsburgh, PA


Education Management

Work History

General Manager

Responsible for managing and implementation of all art programs, teachers staff, organization and general operation. Design and develop new programs and staff involved training. Control and...
from Mar 2004

Apparel Product Manager

Responsibilities included design, development, planning and control of apparel line including men's, women's, boys and kids. Participate in the global line design, working with USA, Europe a...
Jan 1992 — Jan 2003

Product assistant

Performed market research activities. Provided technical support for products (Lycra, Supplex). Assisted in promotion, publicity and special trade events. Organized and coordinated trends an...
Jan 1989 — Jan 1992


Chief Executive Officer
Produce Manager
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive
Production Manager


adobe photoshop
corel draw
bilingual spanish-english

FAQs about Anabel Papouchado

What's the profession of Anabel Papouchado?

This professional's job is Textiles

What jobs is Anabel a professional at?

Anabel Papouchado is proficient at Executive and Chief Executive Officer jobs.

Where does Anabel Papouchado live?

Anabel Papouchado lives in Miami, Florida.

How many companies did Anabel Papouchado work at?

The professional worked at three jobs.

Where has Anabel Papouchado studied?

Anabel studied at the Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Are there any professional skills Anabel Papouchado has?

This professional has skills in the following areas: adobe photoshop, corel draw, illustrator, and bilingual spanish-english.