Agnes Wojtowicz

Accountant and Office Manager

We found the following information about Agnes Wojtowicz at Cocoon, Inc., where this person has worked as a Accountant and Office Manager since 2017. Agnes's total work experience is over seven years, during which time they had at one company to develop professional skills. Agnes studied at the Politechnika Częstochowska. Agnes Wojtowicz can be found in Kensington, New Hampshire – where this person currently lives. You can find Agnes Wojtowicz's current phone number and email through Connexy search.
Name variants:
Aggie Wojtowicz, Ness Wojtowicz, Nessie Wojtowicz, Nancy Wojtowicz, Senga Wojtowicz

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 8, 2022
Kensington, NH


Cocoon, Inc.
Accountant and Office Manager

North Hampton, NH



Work History

Accountant and Office Manager

216 Lafayette Rd, North Hampton, NH 03862
from Dec 2017


Office Assistant
Office Clerk
Clerical Specialist


Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word

FAQs about Agnes Wojtowicz

What's the main profession of Agnes Wojtowicz?

Agnes is a Accountant and Office Manager.

What jobs is Agnes proficient at at?

The expert is a professional such jobs as Office Assistant.

Where does Agnes Wojtowicz live?

Agnes currently lives in Kensington, New Hampshire.

How many companies did Agnes Wojtowicz work at?

Agnes worked at one jobs.

Where has Agnes Wojtowicz studied?

Agnes studied at the Politechnika Częstochowska.

Are there any special industries, that Agnes Wojtowicz works in?

This person works in Accounting industry.

Are there any professional skills, that Agnes Wojtowicz has?

This person has skills in the following areas: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Research, and Powerpoint.