Decision Makers

Co-Founder And Managing Director
They collaborate with a board of executives to provide excellent leadership for the corporation, set short and long-term goals, plans, and strategies for the organization and ensure that they are met. E-mail: c****, Phone: (***) ***-5381 is available on Connexy.
VP Of HQ Operations
Kathy Fripp is in charge of choosing strategically essential development path. E-mail: k****, Phone: (***) ***-3126 is available on Connexy.
This person is in control of choosing essential development path for Transcard. E-mail: h****, Phone: (***) ***-5381 is available on Connexy.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
Doing business as
TransCard, LLC
1301 Riverfront Pkwy SUITE 112, Chattanooga, TN 37402
(***) ***-3126
(***) ***-5381
Financial Services
Financial Services
Gift Certificates/Cards
Payroll Cards
General Purpose Reloadable Cards
Gift Cards
Electronic Payments
Number of Employee
51-200 employees
611 - Educational Services

FAQs about decision-makers at TransCard

What is the current location of the Transcard?

The company Transcard address is in Chattanooga, Tennessee state.

What is the industry affiliated with Transcard?

The main industry in which Transcard operates is Financial Services.

Are there any known phones of Transcard executives?

The phones of the company Transcard decision-makers are (***) ***-3126, (***) ***-5381 etc.

Who are the decision-makers in Transcard?

The decision-makers of this company are Kathy Fripp, Chris M Fuller etc.

What are the professions of the main decision-makers in Transcard?

The professions of the company decision-makers are Co-Founder and Managing Director or VP of HQ Operations etc.

What can be the other name of Transcard?

The alias for the company Transcard is TransCard, LLC.

What are the fields for Transcard?

The specialties connected with Transcard are Payroll Cards, General Purpose Reloadable Cards, Gift Cards, and Electronic Payments

What are the categories to which the Transcard belongs?

The categories matched with Transcard are Financial Services and Gift Certificates/Cards