Decision Makers

Director Of Records
Melissa Woolsey is in control of choosing essential development path for Tempe Life Care Village, Inc. E-mail: m****, Phone: (***) ***-0880 is available on Connexy.
Human Resources Director
Anita Keitel is in charge of making significant decisions. E-mail: a****, Phone: (***) ***-0880 is available on Connexy.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
2645 E Southern Ave, Tempe, AZ 85282
(***) ***-0880
Apartment Building Operator Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Retirement Communities & Homes
623 - Nursing and Residential Care Facilities

FAQs about decision-makers at TEMPE LIFE CARE VILLAGE, INC

Where is Tempe Life Care Village, Inc`s office currently located?

Tempe Life Care Village operates in Tempe, Arizona.

What's the industry connected with Tempe Life Care Village?

The main industry in which Tempe Life Care Village operates is Apartment Building Operator Skilled Nursing Care Facility.

What is the known phone number of Tempe Life Care Village?

The phone of the company Tempe Life Care Village decision-makers is (***) ***-0880.

What are the names of the key decision-makers in Tempe Life Care Village?

The decision-makers of the company are Anita Keitel, Melissa Woolsey etc.

What are the professions of the main decision-makers in Tempe Life Care Village?

The specialties of the company decision-makers are Director Of Records or Human Resources Director etc.