Decision Makers

Senior Project Manager
They oversee a company's various initiatives or projects, monitors their development and completion, and ensures that they satisfy the client's expectations. E-mail: j****, is available on Connexy.
They oversee the product development process to guarantee that the demands of the clients are satisfied. E-mail: b****, is available on Connexy.
This expert is in control of making essential decisions. E-mail: b****, is available on Connexy.
Mitchell Snead is in charge of making strategically essential choices for Snead Construction Group. E-mail: m****, is available on Connexy.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
1010 Wisconsin Ave NW SUITE 600, Washington, DC 20007
Muti-family construction
Retail construction
Urban In-fill construction
Adaptive reuse
Number of Employee
11-50 employees
236 - Construction of Buildings

FAQs about decision-makers at Snead Construction Group

What is the current location of the Snead Construction Group?

Snead Construction Group operates in Washington, District Of Columbia.

What's the industry connected with Snead Construction Group?

The industry in which Snead Construction Group operates is Construction.

What are the names of the main decision-makers in Snead Construction Group?

The decision-makers of the company are Bill Snead, Jay Stephen etc.

What are the specialties of the main decision-makers in Snead Construction Group?

The specialties of the company decision-makers are Senior Project Manager or Owner etc.

What are the specialties of Snead Construction Group?

The specialties connected with Snead Construction Group are Muti-family construction, Retail construction, Urban In-fill construction, and Adaptive reuse