Decision Makers

They oversee the product development process to guarantee that the demands of the clients are satisfied. E-mail: c****, is available on Connexy.
Owner And Chief Executive Officer
They oversee the company's entire resources and activities and communicate with the board of director. E-mail: s****, is available on Connexy.
Client Care Manager
They are responsible for handling and resolving client inquiries, developing strategies to enhance client services, training other client services staff, authorizing product refunds, maintaining business relationships with current clients, and acquiring new clients. E-mail: l****, is available on Connexy.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
Call For Info, California
Hospital & Health Care
Home Care
Companion Care
Caregiver Assistance
Dementia Care
Number of Employee
201-500 employees
621 - Ambulatory Health Care Services

FAQs about decision-makers at Sheridan In-Home Care

Where is Sheridan In-Home Care`s office currently situated?

The company Sheridan In-Home Care is situated in California.

What's the industry affiliated with Sheridan In-Home Care?

The industry in which Sheridan In-Home Care operates is Hospital & Health Care.

What are the names of the main decision-makers in Sheridan In-Home Care?

The decision-makers of this company are Susan Dost, Chris Anderson etc.

What are the professions of the main decision-makers in Sheridan In-Home Care?

The professions of the company decision-makers are Representative or Owner and Chief Executive Officer etc.

What are special fields for Sheridan In-Home Care?

The specialties connected with Sheridan In-Home Care are Home Care, Companion Care, Caregiver Assistance, Dementia Care, and Companionship