Decision Makers

Vice President
They are the top-level leaders and usually review internal operations, develop future vision of the company and evaluate managers performance E-mail: g****, is available on Connexy.
They collaborate with a board of executives to provide excellent leadership for the corporation, set short and long-term goals, plans, and strategies for the organization and ensure that they are met. E-mail: a****, is available on Connexy.
Chairman, Secretary
Roy E. Rodriguez is responsible for choosing strategically valuable development path. E-mail: r****, is available on Connexy.
They maintain and strengthen the company's financial condition by leading economic policies, identifying risks, determining funding options, and advising on investment prospects. E-mail: b****, is available on Connexy.
Vice President
Maria I. Rodriguez is responsible for making strategically valuable decisions for Nicmac Restaurants Inc. E-mail: m****, is available on Connexy.
Vice President
They collaborate with a board of executives to provide excellent leadership for the corporation, set short and long-term goals, plans, and strategies for the organization and ensure that they are met. E-mail: a****, is available on Connexy.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
4961 SW 74Th Ct, Miami, FL 33155
Fast-Food Rest Chain
523 - Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities

FAQs about decision-makers at Nicmac Restaurants Inc

What is the current address of the Nicmac Restaurants Inc?

The company Nicmac Restaurants is registered in Miami, Florida.

What is the industry affiliated with Nicmac Restaurants?

The industry in which Nicmac Restaurants operates is Fast-Food Rest Chain.

What are the names of the key decision-makers in Nicmac Restaurants?

The decision-makers of the company are Alex C. Rodriguez, Gladys V. Rodriguez etc.

What are the professions of the main decision-makers in Nicmac Restaurants?

The specialties of the company decision-makers are Vice President or President etc.