Decision Makers

Education Management
They research, produce, and assess an institution's curricula, teaching methods, and educational resources. E-mail: g****, Phone: (***) ***-5315 is available on Connexy.
Executive Director, Planning, Development
Susan Jacoby is in control of choosing valuable development path for Gallaudet University. E-mail: s****, Phone: (***) ***-5463 is available on Connexy.
Executive Director, Office Of Multicultural Student
This Executive Director, Office of Multicultural Student is in charge of choosing essential development path for Gallaudet University. E-mail: e****, Phone: (***) ***-7164 is available on Connexy.
Earl Parks
Executive Director, Technology Operations
Earl Parks is in charge of making valuable choices for Gallaudet University. E-mail: e****, Phone: (***) ***-5211 is available on Connexy.
Catherine Murphy
Director, Communcations
Catherine R Murphy is in control of choosing significant development path. E-mail: c****, Phone: (***) ***-5170 is available on Connexy.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
800 Florida Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002
800 Florida Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002
(***) ***-5000
(***) ***-5199
(***) ***-6050
(***) ***-5410
Higher Education
Education Of Deaf & Hard Of Hearing Students
Specialty Outpatient Clinic
Colleges & Universities
Hearing Aids & Assistive Devices Retail
Schools for the Deaf
Deaf Education
Deaf Studies
Number of Employee
1001-5000 employees
8221 - Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools
822101 - Schools-Universities & Colleges Academic
611 - Educational Services

FAQs about decision-makers at Gallaudet University

What address or location can Gallaudet University be found in?

The company Gallaudet University address is in Washington, District Of Columbia state.

What are the industries connected with Gallaudet University?

The industries connected with the company Gallaudet University are Higher Education, Education Of Deaf & Hard Of Hearing Students, and Specialty Outpatient Clinic.

What are the phones of the key people of Gallaudet University?

The phones of the company Gallaudet University decision-makers are (***) ***-5000, (***) ***-5199 etc.

Who are the decision-makers in Gallaudet University?

The decision-makers of this company are Susan Jacoby, Gary B Aller etc.

What are the specialties of the main decision-makers in Gallaudet University?

The professions of the company decision-makers are Education Management or Executive Director, Planning, Development etc.

What are the fields for Gallaudet University?

The special fields for Gallaudet University are Deaf Education, Linguistics, Deaf Studies, and Audiology

The SIC6 code is None - None.

Which SIC code suits the company activities?

The appropriate SIC code is None - None.