Decision Makers

President And Coo, Board Member
This professional is in control of making strategically important choices for Eye Lighting International. E-mail: t****, Phone: (***) ***-7000 is available on Connexy.
Vice President Of Engineering And Chief Technology Officer
Paul Jurkovic is in control of making strategically significant decisions. E-mail: p****, Phone: (***) ***-7000 is available on Connexy.
This professional is responsible for choosing important development path for Eye Lighting International. E-mail: g****, Phone: (***) ***-7000 is available on Connexy.
Rob Freitag is in control of making important decisions. E-mail: r****, Phone: (***) ***-7000 is available on Connexy.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
9150 Hendricks Rd, Mentor, OH 44060
(***) ***-7000
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing
Ceramic Metal Halide Lamps
LED Luminaires
Area and Street Lighting
LED Retrofit
Number of Employee
51-200 employees
6311 - Life Insurance
333 - Machinery Manufacturing

FAQs about decision-makers at EYE Lighting International

What is the current location of the Eye Lighting International?

The company Eye Lighting International address is in Mentor, Ohio state.

What is the industry connected with Eye Lighting International?

The main industry in which Eye Lighting International operates is Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing.

What is the known phone of Eye Lighting International?

The phone of the company Eye Lighting International decision-makers is (***) ***-7000.

What are the names of the key decision-makers in Eye Lighting International?

The decision-makers of the company are Paul Jurkovic, Tom Salpietra etc.

What are the professions of the main decision-makers in Eye Lighting International?

The specialties of the company decision-makers are President and Coo, Board Member or Vice President of Engineering and Chief Technology Officer etc.

What are special fields for Eye Lighting International?

The special fields connected with Eye Lighting International are Ceramic Metal Halide Lamps, LED Luminaires, Area and Street Lighting, and LED Retrofit

Which SIC code describes the company activities?

The appropriate SIC code is None - None.