Decision Makers

They collaborate with a board of executives to provide excellent leadership for the corporation, set short and long-term goals, plans, and strategies for the organization and ensure that they are met. E-mail: m****, is available on Connexy.
Karen E Connell is in charge of making strategically important decisions. E-mail: k****, is available on Connexy.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
19 W Central St, Natick, MA 01760
Business Services at Non-Commercial Site
532 - Rental and Leasing Services

FAQs about decision-makers at BLACK ROCK WILLOW CORP

What is the current location of the Black Rock Willow Corp?

The company Black Rock Willow is registered in Natick, Massachusetts.

What's the industry affiliated with Black Rock Willow?

The main industry in which Black Rock Willow operates is Business Services at Non-Commercial Site.

Who are the decision-makers in Black Rock Willow?

The decision-makers of this company are Karen E Connell, Matthew A Connell etc.

What are the specialties of the main decision-makers in Black Rock Willow?

The professions of the company decision-makers are President or Director etc.