Decision Makers

They collaborate with a board of executives to provide excellent leadership for the corporation, set short and long-term goals, plans, and strategies for the organization and ensure that they are met. E-mail: l****, Phone: (***) ***-0644 is available on Connexy.
Psychiatric Service Line Director For Memorial Epworth Center And Center For Behavioral Medicine
Elizabeth Saillant is in control of choosing significant development path. E-mail: e****, Phone: (***) ***-0644 is available on Connexy.
Communications Officer
They serve as a point of contact for the company, the general public, and the media to maintain brand awareness and answer questions regarding popular news. E-mail: r****, Phone: (***) ***-0644 is available on Connexy.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
Doing business as
Beacon Health System, Inc
615 N Michigan St, South Bend, IN 46601
707 N Michigan St STE 501, South Bend, IN 46601
(***) ***-0644
Hospital & Health Care
Surgical Centers
Number of Employee
5001-10,000 employees
621 - Ambulatory Health Care Services

FAQs about decision-makers at Beacon Health System

In what address or location can the company be found today?

The company Beacon Health System is situated in South Bend, Indiana.

What's the industry connected with Beacon Health System?

The main industry in which Beacon Health System operates is Hospital & Health Care.

What is the official phone of Beacon Health System?

The phone number of the company Beacon Health System decision-makers is (***) ***-0644.

What are the names of the key decision-makers in Beacon Health System?

The decision-makers of this company are Elizabeth Saillant, Lauri Mecklenburg etc.

What are the professions of the main decision-makers in Beacon Health System?

The professions of the company decision-makers are President or Psychiatric Service Line Director For Memorial Epworth Center and Center For Behavioral Medicine etc.

What is the other name of Beacon Health System?

The alias for the company Beacon Health System is Beacon Health System, Inc.

Are there any known categories for Beacon Health System?

The company is associated with the following categories: Surgical Centers.